Live the Life You Deserve

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I am not exactly sure where the month of February went! I swear it literally just flew by. I actually hate it when that happens because I feel like I missed something. Life moves so fast sometimes, so it’s important to make sure you are living your life and not just surviving it!

I can definitely say I have been living mine, pushing hard to meet my 2017 goals, and loving it. My second half marathon is complete. This race is now one of my favorites! It was a trail run at the National Bridge Caverns just outside of San Antonio, TX. It was a smaller race, maybe two hundred runners, which made it even better. We started in the belly of the cave and run up and out onto the property behind the caves. It was awesome. I have decided I love running on trails.

I have officially enrolled in an educational program. I think I just figured out where the month of February has gone! I spent some time surfing the web, not really sure what I wanted to do. It’s funny, over the last few years, my career as a trainer has slowly started to evolve. I wasn’t just “training” people, I was coaching them. I am not just coaching them in fitness, but in many areas of their life, nutrition, mind, body and soul. I was not just helping them change what they could see on the outside, but I was helping them change how they felt on the inside and how they felt about themselves. I was helping them restore Balance in a very unbalanced world. I have looked into Health Coaching Certifications before, but was overwhelmed by the committment of the programs, so I had basically told myself I couldn’t do it. Well I decided I was holding myself back, so now I am proud to say I am almost two months in to my twelve month Health Coach Certification program. I am so excited. It’s amazing, when I decided to got for it, my fears began to dissolve. Don’t hold yourself back. Create the life you want, the happiest life possible.

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