Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

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The definition of the word CONFIDENCE from Webster’s Dictionary is: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.

Are you a confident person? Do you hesitate to try something new? Are you reluctant to start something new? It can be so easy to talk yourself out of life. All the negativity that we can be faced with can make it difficult to have self confidence.

Be your own cheerleader. Be the positive voice in your head. Surround yourself with positive people who have a positive outlook. This will help bring out the most confident version of you. Keeping physically and mentally healthy is essential in nurturing your self-esteem. Feeling good on the inside and being at peace with how you look on the outside creates self confidence and self esteem. I found a little motivational book about confidence. It’s awesome. Its subtle reminders and motivational pushes help keep me in a positive mindset.

As I face new paths on my journey in life, the confidence boosters remind me that I can, I will, and I want to be a better me. “Get out of your comfort zone!” This is one of my favorite sayings in my boxing classes. When you push yourself out of your comfort zone, it makes you stronger and more confident, because you know you can do it.

So every time you do, your self confidence will increase. This mindset can really be applied to most areas of our lives. I used to be terrified to get up in front of people, either to talk or instruct a class. But over time of getting out of my comfort zone, I developed the confidence I needed. Now I do it all the time with ease. Begin today taking those next confident steps towards something new or making those desired changes in your life.

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